What ranks as the most essential quality in an effective team?

Ruth Harrowfield – BA/BSc, MSc Hons, PGDip I/O Psych, PGDip Science (Cl. Psych)

It’s not people’s skill.
It’s not a team vision.
Of course, these are important …

But the most important factor in effective team functioning is psychological safety.*

Psychological safety in a team is really just another way of saying – A team where you can take a risk around your teammates and TRUST them to have your back – not to punish you for asking a question, admitting a mistake or suggesting a different idea.

In my own experience, the times when I’ve felt this safety there is an openness to the way me and my teammates make plans, divvy up tasks, share information and debate with each other that makes the work efficient!

I’ve had the opposite too – where there’s a sense that you’d better watch out, where what you say might just be used against you, or just that you might be made to feel a bit stupid when you stick your neck out. Not fun. And heeeeaps of time is wasted in overthinking what you’re going to do/say. What a waste!

When we train leaders in  building healthy teams, we teach them how to build trust so that psychological safety can thrive.

My favourite way to build that trust? – just learn about each other
It’s so simple.

Set up a rhythm in one or two of your existing team catch-ups where people will each share something about themselves – Something about their role, something about their backstory.

❔ What are you currently loving about your role?
❔ What are the top 3 things your role contributes to our team?
❔ What are you struggling with in your role?
❔ What’s your favourite song at the moment?
❔ How do you like your coffee/tea/other tipple of choice?
❔ Who inspires you?
❔ What are you angry about in society at the moment?

Look online – you’ll find a million ideas for cool team discovery questions to ask.

A kind of magic happens when people learn about each other ✨ It breaks down barriers – it makes you realise this person has a life outside of work “just like me”, this person has struggles “just like me”, this person has hopes and dreams “just like me.”**

And psychological safety will grow – and that will become a foundation for efficient and effective team work! 🙌💥✨

*Google re:work – Learn what an effective team is
**Paul Santaga – ‘Just like me’ reflection
We’re in the training business – human skills to be precise. We help people to understand themselves, understand others and therefore communicate in a more effective, meaningful way.

I’m Ruth Harrowfield, and together with my partner Sam, we run Harrowfield People Development, a strategic learning agency based in Auckland, New Zealand.

We draw on the disciplines of organisational and behavioural psychology to provide fit-for-purpose experiences that build capability and confidence.

We help business leaders to bring out the potential that they see in their people by shaping habits of thinking, communication and action in the workplace. Talk to us today.

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