GROW – R is for Reality 
Ruth Harrowfield – BA/BSc, MSc Hons, PGDip I/O Psych, PGDip Science (Cl. Psych)
How can a leader coach their people to get to the outcome they are seeking? Once you’ve asked about their GOAL, what next?
Next is their current REALITY. Where are they at right now?
This is a very important step. You can’t work out how to get somewhere if you haven’t fully established where you are currently at. Too often people try to solve a problem without fully considering their starting point and all of the information they need to solve the problem effectively.
REALITY is the R in GROW model.
G Clarify their GOAL – the end point they want to get to
R Spell out their REALITY – where they are at now
O List their OPTIONS – all the ways they could get to their end point
W Decide what they WILL commit to – exactly what they will do
My favourite REALITY questions from the G.R.O.W. model:
What is happening now/what is going on?
What is stopping you from having that goal/problem solved right now?
When does this happen? How often does this happen? Be as specific as possible. Give me an example and let’s see what factors are at play.
What have you done about it so far?
When one of your staff brings an issue, an objective, a challenge, once you’ve articulated their GOAL, try asking one of these questions to establish the REALITY before jumping into solution mode. I often find that as a person is spelling out the reality for themselves, the solution they need emerges!
I’m Ruth Harrowfield, an organisational psychologist based in Auckland, New Zealand. Together with my partner, Sam, we run Harrowfield People Development, a strategic learning agency. We help business leaders who are unsure how to grow the people they want to hold on to, for the purposes of engagement, productivity and organisational growth.
Working to a specific client brief, we draw on the disciplines of organisational and behavioural psychology to determine and execute strategic and tactical programmes for personal and team development. We help business leaders to bring out the potential that they see in their people by shaping habits of thinking, communication and action in the workplace. Talk to us today.